Friday, May 14, 2010

Pearl Jam Nite V: Endangered Species Campaign Day 10

10.Sumatran Coral (Acropora rudis)

January 2010 Last month, Jim Cameron, the Avatar, recorded revenue of more than one billion dollars. He is the only director who can do that, and he did it twice!

But we know that it owes its phenomenal success in so many of the coral reefs? For example, the Acropora rudis, coral reefs are comfortably submerged in the depths of 3-15 m, in the warmth of the west coast of Sumatra.

Yep! The beauty of Pandora that shimmer with shades of blue that was stolen from the beauty of marine parks on Earth.
Jim is a genius that allows the beauty beneath the sea is moving to a giant screen, in the form of three-dimensional technology, the most sophisticated. And this is the irony that we face: the next two decades, the only way to enjoy the beauty beneath the sea is probably only with re-watched telecast Avatar, because the Acropora rudis, and coral reefs from other species, most likely had pale, if not dead .. .

There is no definite record of the population of this species. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species placed in the endangered category, the three ratings to the total extinction, considering the population trend has been reduced to the remaining 59% just in the last three decades.

Extinction is very real indeed, considering that the main threat to the survival of this beautiful species is the increase in surface temperature. Global warming. Malignant Monster frenzy that makes people worldwide, and as unstoppable.

So remember him, Acropora rudis, the coral reefs that sweet, every time we are fascinated by her beauty, the epic Avatar which also tells about Na'vi extinction, a beautiful species that try to live in harmony with its natural...

Art: Davro
Text: Hilman Taofani

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